Iban Headhunters

In 2011 I traveled to live with the Iban tribe in the Sarawak region of Borneo. I spent 3 days traveling the Skrang river in a hand made longboat with my Iban guide and his father.  The Iban were the head hunting Rangers of WW2. I met one of the last true headhunters who I came to affectionately know as Aki (Grandfather)  Such kind people, wonderful rice wine and a simple life on the river working their rice and cash crops. I was honored with a traditional tattoo by tapping method that took 7 hours. The ink was home made from ashes and honey.


Entebbe, South Africa

Entebbe and Transguy area of South Africa is beautiful. What wonderful and inviting people along with insanely colorful views of green rolling hills. A man’s wealth is determined here by how many cattle he has. Wives are negotiated and purchased using cattle. A woman that is attractive and educated may go for as many as 25 cattle while a woman that is from a common family with out education are sold for as little as 7 or 8 cattle.  We had no running water, electicity or toilets for several days while here. My minister Billy Claudio and his Wife Dawn did an amazing job working with the locals and our host Kelly Kosni

Kayaking at the new Homeport

Home Port for Rocky Point

I recently kayaked from the sonoran sky to the home port and hung out watching the heavy equipment dropping huge rocks in the ocean… when I got close I realized they would need to go a LONG way to get deep enough for one of those cruise ships.  Here are a few of my photos from that day.